This guide introduces the installation and usage steps for the interface software and sample firmware provided for the IFEC competition. Please follow the steps below and refer to the respective documents as needed.
I. Interface Software Installation
- UI Software:
- Reference Document:
- Steps: Follow the installation guide to understand system requirements, installation steps, and configuration instructions to ensure the software runs smoothly.
II. Communication Protocol
- We do not restrict the choice of MCU/DSP for development, but it must comply with the following communication specifications.
- Serial port parameters:
- Baud Rate: 115200
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bits: 1
- Parity: None
- Flow Control: None
- Commands
- OUTPUT [0/1]: Set output state (0 for OFF, 1 for ON).
- OUTPUT?: Query the current output state.
- VOLT [float]: Set the voltage value.
- VOLT?: Query the set voltage value.
- FETCH:VOLT?: Query the measured voltage value.
- The following section, III. Sample Firmware, provides a communication firmware example based on the C2000 platform.
- For more information, refer to the firmware and descriptions provided in III. Sample Firmware, even if developing on a different platform.
III. Sample Firmware
- Sample Code:
- Reference Document:
- Steps: Read the user manual to understand firmware setup, operational processes, and use cases for system testing and competition use.
Technical Support
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact the competition’s technical support team.